Thursday, April 09, 2009

Guess it's about time for that diet-and-exercise thing I've been meaning to do...

Arlo was in the bathroom with me this morning as I was brushing my teeth and putting on my makeup. I hadn't picked out a shirt yet, and was bustling around in my slacks and bra, wet hair still in a towel from the shower.

The boy had been sitting on the toilet seat, conversing with me and watching me go through the paces of my morning routine, when he suddenly stood up, grabbed two handfuls of my belly paunch and joyfully shouted (in a deep voice, like the kind of voice you'd use to talk about a walrus), "Look at that FULL belly!"



mark said...


Tricia said...

I feel your pain. Leila loves to tell me I have a big butt, like it is some kind of accomplishment!

writermom said...

You will appreciate this anecdote. Lila likes to help me get ready in the, as I zipped up my jeans over my belly, she pointed to my stomach and asked "is that your butt?" So heartwarming.

Ms. Mayhem said...

Something about this made me smile, because you look great and that dear Arlo said it with the nicest intentions.

Scooteur said...

OMG, Kat, I am laughing so hard!!!